ADL & Technology: Using Apps for Independence - a program and website of Easter Seals Greater Houston that provides resources, education, and information on apps and mobile devices to help people with disabilities target and improve skills and reach their highest levels of physical and cognitive development. - creator and maker of accessories like adaptive styluses and equipment for mobile devices to assist individuals with special needs. – an Assistive Technology website full of tablet/smartphone accessories and keyguards for mobile devices. Many keyguards assist with individuals being able to utilize communication apps more easily. – An online library of accessible electronic books. Membership is free for individuals with qualifying disabilities. - A paid service for downloading and enjoying audiobooks. – online digital magazine that help parents navigate the uncharted waters of raising a child with special needs. Providing practical tips, sharing life’s lessons, tackling the challenges and celebrating the joys of one of life’s greatest gifts. Covering all ages and stages of guiding children/Individuals with special needs. Empowering parents, caregivers, teachers & friends of special needs children by providing resources, information and inspiration.

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